About Us
A partnership established in the late 90’s, consisting of two managing partners and a group of engineers.
Engineer Eliahu Eliachar, holds a degree from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, in Mechanical Engineering.
Mr. Nir Lilach, holds a degree from IED – Istituto Europeo di Design, in Industrial Design
Our TEAM, consists of mechanic and electronic engineers
Founded in 1996 “Eliachar Technologies Development Ltd” has become one of the leading product development companies, in Israel, specializing in the development of Medical devices and equipment.
Typically “Eliachar Technologies Development Ltd.”, leads its projects from the “Idea” stage, through Concepts, Mechanical and Electronic Design Engineering and Solutions, Prototyping, Medical Trials, Regulations, Patenting and Transition from Design to Manufacturing
Our office offers a comfortable appealing environment for our employees and guests.
Our internal workshop/studio is facilitated with:
- All the necessary tools and measuring devices for assembling, testing, and trialing.
- Internal Milling – All the tools required for finalization (though most parts are ordered from external vendors)
- Electronics assembling
- Nitinol Shaping
- Ultrasonic cleaning
- Drying and assembly in a clean environment
- Autoclave
- Laser Welding
- Long-term testing area/room
- Accelerated aging test Incubator
Our Customers